TV Commercial Advertising Rates and Plans

If you’re considering advertising your company on TV, you’re probably wondering what TV commercial advertising rates look like and what to expect.

We work with companies large and small in this arena and can help you gather these numbers and put together a strategy for airing your ads that will give you the most exposure for the dollar.

Since every TV network assigns different rates to their ads, we need to determine what the going rates are in your market.

To craft a plan and gather accurate TV advertising rates we need to determine the answers to the following questions.

1. Where do you want to advertise your message (geographic area)?
2. Who is your target customer and what are they interested in?
3. What times of day might they be tuned in?

Then we match this data to the networks that fit your criteria, we will then know what the average rate is based on these factors.

Isn’t there a “national average”?

TV Advertising RatesNo. In any given market, it may cost as low as $5 to air one commercial…  Or 88x that amount to air the very same commercial on a very in-demand station or show.

With so many networks to choose from, there is a targeted network for virtually every product or service out there. It’s our job to help you find the best place to put your commercial and get you the most value for the dollar. We can also help you craft a TV Advertising message that speaks to your potential customer.

If you need help and expert advice on crafting a TV ad for your company, please give us a call today! We would love to help!

Simply fill out the form below or call us direct at (231)468-9972.



Does TV Advertising Work?

As a business owner, every dollar counts. Before you invest your hard-earned money into any form of advertising, you want to make sure it has a solid chance of giving you a good return on your investment. Chances are, you’ve thought about TV advertising. The big question though… Does TV advertising work?

TV advertising can be incredibly effective when used strategically.

tv_ads_imageStrategy is an important thing when it comes to TV advertising. You need your message to reach a target customer on a consistent basis. But with so many TV networks, and so many price ranges, where do you start? It can be a very intimidating market to understand and difficult to optimize to your advantage.

Luckily we know the world of TV advertising inside and out and can help guide you through it.

Let’s look at it this way: You wouldn’t buy a home that you couldn’t afford the electric bill at. Envision the home as a TV network, and the electricity as an ongoing TV advertising campaign.

The only way you’re going to fully enjoy that home is if it’s fully powered at all times. The same is true of a TV advertising campaign.

All TV Advertising acts as your “real estate” agent of TV networks. We will help you identify what networks would best reach your target customers and stay in your price range so you can get your message “out there” enough to have a good chance at seeing an ROI. The best part, we don’t charge you anything for our expert advice and consulting.

Want to find out more? Give us a call or fill out the contact form below to find out more today.

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Is TV Advertising Effective?

If you’re searching for an effective option to advertise your business or brand, TV advertising has likely come to mind. You may be wondering, is it effective? Does TV advertising work?

The answer is a resounding “YES”…. When used correctly. When a TV Advertising plan is well thought out and structured to give a compelling message to a qualified and interested viewer, it works wonders! When a commercial is thrown together with no attention to detail and shoved onto the “bargain basement” stations… It usually fails.

How can you avoid this pit fall?

Let us help you craft a TV commercial with a focused message. Then, identify the stations that best reach your target customers, all while staying on budget. (Targeted plans start as low as $3k – 5k)

It’s not rocket science, but it does require experience and “know how”, to do it right.

Some advantages of TV advertising are listed below.

· Television advertising enables the message to hit large number of TARGETED people (at regional and national level) in short span of time.
· Television allows you to convey a message using visuals, sound and action; creating an emotional connection to a brand or biz.
· TV can target local people through targeted and zoned cable network channels. It can be VERY geo targeted!
· Different segments of people like children, house wives, men, pet lovers, young people, gamers… you name it…  can be targeted through different channels at different times.

Get a quote on a TV advertising plan today! Simply fill out the form below and one of our experts will get back to you right away.

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